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Two students sitting on a bench talking

Not sure if you're eligible?

We offer a large variety of scholarships with different eligibility criteria, so there’s a good chance you’ll find one that suits you.

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Narrm Scholarship Program

Our new scholarship program provides
eligible students with financial and
enrichment support throughout your studies

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About our scholarships

Scholarships aren't just for high achievers. We also award scholarships that recognise individual circumstances.

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Three students with laptops, sitting in the sun and talking
Two students sitting on the Sun Ribbon sculpture and talking

Global scholarships and fellowships

Our University community offers a wide range of scholarships with unique opportunities in Australia and around the world.


  • Billy Griffiths
    "It is an honour to awarded the 2019 Ernest Scott Prize for Deep Time Dreaming. This year’s shortlisted books display the richness, depth and diversity of histories about Australia and New Zealand. They also mark a growing awareness of, and respect for, First Nations peoples’ knowledge, histories and cultural expression. When we talk about the past 231 years of Australian history, we do so in the context of over 60,000 years of human experience on this continent. My book is about coming to terms with that deeper story."
    - Billy Griffiths
  • "I believe that the field of maritime archaeology is ready to be jump started in Australia, and what a perfect way to do it - with a focus on Australian maritime archaeological conservation. This scholarship will allow me to undertake and focus on my studies to the fullest, without fear of distraction. I will be focussing this PhD on the conservation of degraded Australian waterlogged wood such as blue gum and banksia, which will not only provide some variation into the current maritime conservation sphere, which focuses primarily on oak and pine, but will also hopefully provide benefit to Australia beyond merely a maritime focus."
    - Heather Berry
    Heather Berry