Howitt Natural History Scholarships

This scholarship is awarded to a first year Master of Science, Graduate Diploma in Science or Bachelor of Science (Honours) student who is undertaking research in the school of BioSciences, Earth Sciences, Geography, or Ecosystem and Forest Science, on the basis of academic merit.

Application type

No application is required. You will be automatically considered for this award.

Benefit type

Annual payment
Full benefit details

Citizenship requirements

Australian / domestic student
International student

Total value

$1,000 - $8,000

Applicable study areas

Sciences and mathematics

Number of scholarships awarded


  • Eligibility & selection criteria


    To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:

    • Be undertaking research studies in BioSciences, Earth Sciences, Geography, or Ecosystem and Forest Sciences and;
    • Be enrolled or enrolling in either the first year of a research training program in the Master of Science, the Graduate Diploma in Science or the Bachelor of Science (Honours).

    Note, recipients may not hold this award in conjunction with the Bryan or Wyselaskie scholarships or have more than three years' standing since first enrolment. Recipients must also have completed a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne.

    Selection criteria

    Eligible candidates will be ranked based on:

    • Academic merit.

What are the benefits?

This award contains both a major and a minor scholarship, with the major awarded at around $2,000, and a minor awarded at around $1,000. The value of the award will vary from year to year.

Students can receive the award for up to three years if they continue onto a Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy in Science.

The information listed here is subject to change without notice. Where we have listed information about jointly run scholarships programs, please also see our partners' websites. Information describing the number and value of scholarships awarded is indicative.